Sunday, February 8, 2009

Peru Begins!

In a word:  Guatemala came and went in a hurry and I finally made it to Peru!  I feel like a bit of a bum moving from place to place all of the time while I wait on an apartment in Huancayo, but hey I will be settled soon!  God has opened the door for me to share with nearly every Taxi Driver that I get in the car with.  That has been a blessing to get to share the good news.  While I lived in Lima I got to work in an area called Jicamarca and God is really working there!  Read below for any in of you are curious about!

Finishing out Guatemala:

I finally finished my language school and ended up with an intermediate high language score.   That means that I can talk and understand just not everything hahaha.  One of these days I really hope to be fluent!  I guess we will see in time!  The time I had in Guatemala was some of the best time I had ever had.  Plus some of my best Latin American friendships were formed there.


Coming to Peru has been a very exciting thing for me but a little unsettling because I don’t really have a place to live.  I have moved into all kinds of hotels, houses, guest houses and soon concrete floor!  Haha   So it has been a time trying to move everything I brought for 2 years to all kind of different places!  But I am happy to report that I am now in Huancayo Peru and I have found a few options for housing!  Very exciting I might add!  I am going to see if by Monday I can try to get the paper work started on a place to live!  Please Pray that God would show me the best place to go.

Taxi drivers

While in Lima and in Huancayo God has really blessed me with some amazing times to share the gospel with taxi drivers.  I don’t have a car yet so therefore a taxi is the best way to get around.  It is really neat because most of the Taxi drivers want to talk about spiritual things.  So it really isn’t that difficult to get things started.  You know its funny sometimes I have this fear about what people might say but it seems that people here just really want to talk about it.  So I think its time to throw that fear out the window!  One man in particular named Miguel told me his whole family was saved but him.  I asked him why and he told me that he just had never heard or felt God speak to him.  So we pulled over the car and he I prayed that God would speak to him.  It was a really neat experience.  Please pray for Miguel that he may hear God.

Jicamarca Mission

This work (started by Jim and Sherri Neal) on the outskirts of Lima has really been a blessing for me while I lived in Lima.  Mainly because I really had not started my job yet so it was really a blessing to get to work with some missionaries who were already working in the area.   We went out and started about 3PM on Saturday and we would play with kids and play volleyball until it was time for a lesson.  The adults and youth would get together and Jim Neal would teach them a Chapter from the book of Mark.  The kids would go with Jim’s wife Sherri and she would teach them a Bible story for the day. I really learned a lot from Jim Neal because he really taught the Bible well to people who were not saved.  It was neat to see a group of people gathered around the Bible that really were not followers of Jesus.  I learned that you really can start a church from people that are not followers.  That is our job out here in Peru! To start a church planting movement where there is none!  One day in the Bible study I got to share my testimony and although I stumbled a bit with my Spanish it was a real blessing to be able to tell these people of God’s grace in my life.  Please pray for Jim and Sherri Neal and their continued work in this area.  Plus please pray that God would plant a church in this area through the soon to be believers!

Final remarks:

I can’t tell you the blessing it is to know of your support of me.  If you would like check out the videos to the left.  I produce one each month.  Plus there are many photos to check out as well!  Love you guys!


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